Team NameTeam CodeEventDateMWMLSWSLFinish
EC Power KOP 13-SkyG13ECPWR1KEKRVA Girl Power1/4/2025133710
Premier 13 RoyalG13PREVC1KEKRVA PGH Ice Breaker1/12/20254821
SKY Elite 13 BlackG13SKYEL1KEKRVA PGH Ice Breaker1/12/2025421042
Renaissance Cran 13 RedG13RENAS8KEKRVA PGH Ice Breaker1/12/202522444
NBVBC 13-1G13NBVBC1KEKRVA PGH Ice Breaker1/12/202522456
CTS 13 MagentaG13CTSVB1KEKRVA PGH Ice Breaker1/12/202504187
AVC 13 BLACKG13ALLVB1KEAVC 13 American1/25/2025511021
Premier 13's GoldG13PREVC2KEAVC 13 American1/25/202542852
AVC 13 REDG13ALLVB2KEAVC 13 American1/25/202531633
Pitt United 13 RedG13PUGVC1KEAVC 13 American1/25/202531624
Renaissance 13 RedG13RENAS2KEAVC 13 American1/25/202522445
AVC 13 WhiteG13ALLVB3KEAVC 13 American1/25/202522556
Renaissance 13 BlackG13RENAS1KEAVC 13 American1/25/202532747
AVC 13 GrayG13ALLVB4KEAVC 13 American1/25/202514288
CTS 13 MagentaG13CTSVB1KEAVC 13 American1/25/202504810
EC Power KOP 13-SkyG13ECPWR1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/202551011
Revolution Cburg 13 WhiteG13REVOL1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025511122
Club Integrity 13-1G13INTGR1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/202531633
EC Power LV 13-GalaxyG13ECPWR11KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/202541824
Edge Elite 13U GoldG13EDGEE1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/202531625
Crosscourt 13 PurpleG13CROSS1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/202531626
Synergy 13 IgniteG13SYNRG6KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025511037
Crosscourt 13 BlackG13CROSS2KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/202542948
LV Force VB 13 RedG13LVFOR1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/202523569
SPVA 13 AsteroidG13SKYPV1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025142810
SPARKS VBC 13 NAVYG13SPARK1KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025234612
EC Power LV 13-HorizonG13ECPWR12KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025234613
EC Power KOP 13-StormG13ECPWR2KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025326414
High Line 13 RenegadesG13HIGHL2KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025142916
SPARKS VBC 13 REDG13SPARK2KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025132617
LV Force VB 13 WhiteG13LVFOR2KE13 Queens of the Court1/25/2025132719
Synergy 13 MonsoonG13SYNRG2KE14 Queens of the Court1/26/2025224611
Synergy 13 LightningG13SYNRG1KE14 Queens of the Court1/26/2025521147
Yorktowne VB 13 BlueG13YORKT1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/9501011
EndMo VBC 13 Power BlueG13ENVBC1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/941922
SPARKS VBC 13 NAVYG13SPARK1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/931733
Crosscourt 13 BlackG13CROSS2KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/932644
Royal Legends 13 OrangeG13ROYAL1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/941845
High Line 13 AspiringG13HIGHL1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/932756
Yorktowne VB 13 RedG13YORKT2KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/932647
Crosscourt 13 PurpleG13CROSS1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/932749
LV Force VB 13 RedG13LVFOR1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/9235610
LV Force VB 13 WhiteG13LVFOR2KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/9234711
Revolution SYC 13 WhiteG13REVOL7KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/9042912
SPARKS VBC 13 REDG13SPARK2KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/9234713
Synergy 13 LightningG13SYNRG1KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/951114
Synergy 13 IgniteG13SYNRG6KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/9327713
Synergy 13 MonsoonG13SYNRG2KE2025 Pennsylvania Kick Starter2/8-2/9337810
EC Power KOP 13-SkyG13ECPWR1KECapitol Hill Classic02/15-02/173489th
Synergy 13 MonsoonG13SYNRG2KECapitol Hill Classic02/15-02/1716613 23rd
Pittsburgh Elite 13 1G13PGHEL1KECapitol Hill Classic02/15-02/1791181st
Royal Legends 13 1G13ROYAL1KECapitol Hill Classic02/15-02/1762125th
Sparks VBC 13 NAVYG13SPARK1KECapitol Hill Classic02/15-02/1752119th
Sparks VBC 13 REDG13SPARK2KECapitol Hill Classic02/15-02/1725410 35th
EC Power LV 13-GalaxyG13ECPWR11KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/2351011
Revolution PGH 13 WhiteG13REVOL4KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/2341923
Surge 13 BlackG13SURGE1KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/2342855
LV Force VB 13 RedG13LVFOR1KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/2333766
LV Force VB 13 WhiteG13LVFOR2KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/2332667
High Line 13 AspiringG13HIGHL1KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/2323668
Belles 13-1 BlueG13BELLE1KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/2332749
EC Power LV 13-HorizonG13ECPWR12KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/23234710
Belles 13-2 RedG13BELLE2KE2025 Capitol City Freeze02/22-02/23511013
Club Integrity 13-1G13INTGR1KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/09501001st
Club Integrity 13-2G13INTGR2KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/09143814th
Crosscourt 13 BlackG13CROSS2KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/0932759th
Crosscourt 13 PurpleG13CROSS1KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/09236613th
EndMo VBC 13 Power BlueG13ENVBC1KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/0941832nd
High Line 13 AspiringG13HIGHL1KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/09143812th
High Line 13 RenegadesG13HIGHL2KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/09326611th
SPVA 13 AsteroidG13SKYPV1KE2025 Lucky Charm Classic03/08-03/0923564th
Crosscourt 13 PurpleG13CROSS1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/232357
EC Power KOP 13-SkyG13ECPWR1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23601411st
EC Power KOP 13-StormG13ECPWR2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2304010
EC Power LV 13-GalaxyG13ECPWR11KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23511122nd
EndMo VBC 13 Power BlueG13ENVBC1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/232265
Renaissance 13 BlackG13RENAS1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/231328
Renaissance 13 RedG13RENAS2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/231337
Renaissance Cran 13 RedG13RENAS8KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2305110
SKY Elite 13 BlackG13SKYEL1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/233265
Synergy 13 LightningG13SYNRG1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23411033rd
Alliance 13RG13ALLIA1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23235813th
Crosscourt 13 BlackG13CROSS2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2332747th
Edge Elite 13U GoldG13EDGEE1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2332743rd
High Line 13 AspiringG13HIGHL1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2332769th
LV Force VB 13 RedG13LVFOR1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2332764th
LV Force VB 13 WhiteG13LVFOR2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23143814th
P3R 13 BloomfieldG13PTRVB3KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23235610th
P3R 13 Hot MetalG13PTRVB2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2341832nd
P3R 13 VeteransG13PTRVB4KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/230521016th
Premier 13 RoyalG13PREVC1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2332856th
Surge 13 BlackG13SURGE1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2323568th
Surge 13 LimeG13SURGE2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23143915th
Synergy 13 IgniteG13SYNRG6KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23144912th
Synergy 13 MonsoonG13SYNRG2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/2341955th
Yorktowne VB 13 BlueG13YORKT1KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23501001st
Yorktowne VB 13 RedG13YORKT2KE2025 Champions Cup03/22 - 03/23326711th